About Us

After 15 years of education as a violinist, Miodrag V. Bogic is committed to the restoration and development of stringed instruments and bows, by expressing his great artistic talent. 1991st he founded the art workshop TARISIO that for several years very successfully justifies the name of the official master’s service, recruited by many institutions, schools and orchestras.
Mr. Bogic official master’s Cello Fest International Musical Youth competition, and other significant events.

In addition to practical involvement,mr. Bogic dedicated his time educating young musicians in many schools and academies, as an excellent professor teaching them superior construction, restoration and history of string instruments.

A large number of eminent musicians their instruments entrusted Bogica the restoration and service, with full confidence. The workshop Tarisio, you can get expert opinion and certificate of authenticity and value of certain stringed instruments.

Mr. Bogic is constantly taking care of their training maintains contacts with the most famous world experts in the field of stringed instruments such as Jan Kudanovski, Adam Whone, Florian Leonhard and many others.
Regularly visit and participate in Sotheby’s and Christie’s auction as international music trade fairs in Frankfurt and Shanghai.

Within the work of Tarisio musical center for education, professor Bogić holds regular individual classes and organizes master courses for young and talented violinists. By regular concert organization and visits to other places, students of musical center are preparing for various international competitions.